How to Humanize AI Content for Free to Rank Better
With the rising impact of AI on content marketing nowadays, should you rely 100% on AI content generators? Or do you need to know how to humanize AI content?
Well, your content should sound human, no matter what. For that, you must humanize the content.
This blog post discusses everything you need to know about how to humanize AI content.
Why is it important to change AI content to human content?
Would you read a blog post if you knew it was 100% written by AI? Or would you prefer content written by a human, drawing from their experience?
The human one, right?
When content is written, it should sound like it is written by a human. No one will bother to read a machine-written content that doesn’t make any sense.
So, it is true that you need to humanize AI-generated content before it goes live. Here are the facts that will explain better why it is important to humanize AI-generated text.
Meet the user demand
First of all, while writing a piece of content, it should be for the readers, not the search engine.
Even Google suggests writing content for human readers.
There is no point in ranking content on the first page that doesn’t satisfy users. You will surely lose the ranking after a few days.
On the other hand, if you didn’t do any optimization for search engines while writing but have fulfilled the search intent, you will get better results.
For instance, if a user is looking for some SEO tips for his blog, he is looking for authentic information from an expert, not some random thoughts about the topic. If you do so, you will hardly get any traffic. The bounce rate will increase, and the ultimate result will be zero.
But if you humanize the written content by giving input from your end, the scenario will be different. While doing the manual editing, it will show what is missing in the content. It becomes easy to analyze the content as a reader, and that’s how you will improve the content.
AI is not 100% perfect yet
Till now, so many AI tools have been launched in the market. And each one comes with a variety of features. Unfortunately, AI content writers are still not perfect. Though GetGenie AI and some other tools provide great content, you will still find there are some information gaps.
So, you need to make AI content perfect by humanizing it. While delivering the content, AI tools won’t be able to judge if a piece of information is 100% authentic or not. You need to audit this while making it more like human-written content.
Makes the content more search engine friendly
If you are generating the content only for paid marketing purposes, you might get some flexibility. But for organic results, you must get favor from search engines. Even if you are doing paid marketing, why would you want to miss the benefit of organic traffic?
For all these things, you will have to obey the rules and policies of search engines. The giant search engine Google has webmaster guidelines that the creators need to ensure in their content.
Unfortunately, AI tools can’t understand the rules and regulations of search engines. It might optimize the content for search engines, still, there is a big chance of missing some factors. Humanizing the content will help to overcome the issues.
In fact, Google advocate John Muller recently tweeted that Google doesn’t want AI-generated jargon content.
If you humanize all your content, you will be ahead of your competitors who are also using AI tools.
Brings better conversion
If you are blogging for business or writing business emails, you need to consider conversion along with getting ranked on the SERP. It is essential to perform conversion rate optimization for blog posts. Relying entirely only on AI writing tools won’t be a good idea in terms of conversion.
Artificial Intelligence writers could miss the emotion at some points that you shouldn’t miss for better conversion. Humanizing content means adding emotion to the write-up. This helps to connect with the audience emotionally which helps to build relationships. At the same time, it will boost conversion.
How to humanize AI content in 7 steps
So, you want to humanize your content for better results, right? If you randomly go through your content, that won’t help much. You need to create a strategy to get the most out of your content.
The following steps will help you learn how to make AI writing sound more human:
Step 1: Choose the right tools for content creation
When someone says AI writing tool, we think of a tool that writes itself on a given topic. Though the process of generating content is the same for almost all the AI tools, they don’t use the same algorithm to generate the write-ups.
Currently, the most popular language model is GPT-3.5 and GPT4. But not every tool uses it. If you go through the available options, you will find a variety of models.
You will find GPT-3 models, customized algorithms, hybrid models, and more. It’s your decision what kind of technology best suits you.
Choosing the right AI tool will help you in time management and conversion rate optimization. A high-end writing tool gives better output based on the user’s command. It becomes easy to humanize such content.
If you have doubts about the features of different tools, try them out and compare the results. See which can convert AI written content to human written.
With GetGenie, you can humanize AI content from the beginning by giving context for each of the paragraph.
For instance, if you are writing a customized content with GetGenie, you can provide separate keywords and context for each step.
Step 2: Create a unique content strategy
There is a common misconception that AI content writer tools can create content just with a given keyword. In one sense, yes, it is true! But content that is generated only based on keywords won’t perform better. You should always make your own strategy while generating content.
Making a unique strategy before generating the content with an AI tool will help you to get better results. Instead of relying only on the tool for the content formatting, you can give your own input and convert AI content to human content.
For instance, you can check the competitors’ posts before generating the content. Then find out the content gap and keyword gaps. This will help to build a unique strategy. The good thing is, if you are using the GetGenie AI for writing, you can get the SEO data instantly within your site’s dashboard.
Step 3: Give the context for writing properly
When you are writing new content for your site or a client, you get some instructions for the write-up, right? Having the instructions in mind helps to write better. The same goes for AI writing tools. With the proper context, AI tools will give a better results and make AI text more human.
Most popular AI writing tools come with a field where you can give instructions and context. When giving the context for the blog, make it unique and detailed. A precise content for a post can change the entire game.
So, what kind of context should I give? Well, you should consider the user demand and the search intent. That’s the way you can humanize more pieces of content.
Step 4: Spend more time on editing
Editing content is painful. But you need to spend enough time on the editing part. Like human-written content, AI-generated content also requires good effort to give the right shape to the content.
While editing the content, read the generated content like you are the audience for this post. It will help to point out the errors. In the first step, just mark the errors you just discovered in the content. Next, go through the errors and edit them.
Also, editing manually the content will give you the chance to check the data’s authenticity. In-depth editing will make the content so good that no one even doubts that the content is generated by an AI tool.
Step 5: Optimize the content for search engine
Search engines have certain guidelines for webmasters, right? You know what, If you maintain all the guidelines for search engines, your content will become more user-friendly. It means you will humanize the content more efficiently.
However, you don’t have to go through all the parameters for ranking better, but you can at least go to the primary ones.
Let me give you a tip. When using the GetGenie AI tool, do explore the SEO feature of the plugin. It will reduce your effort for the optimization task.
You can also check the Content Score using the SEO feature. It will give you predictive scoring, optimized for search engines.
Step 6: Maintain brand’s tone consistency
Every brand has its own tone. It is essential to maintain the brand’s tone consistency while publishing new content on the site. It could be challenging to maintain the brand’s tone while generating the content with AI. So, you need to change AI content to human content.
Also, feed the AI tool with the brand’s information. It will gradually pick up the tone you are wishing for.
Step 7: Do A/B testing
Did you use an AI writing tool, publish it on the blog, and get no results? Well, you are not the only one. So many people are trying to crack the way of generating content with AI tools that rank better in the SERP.
First of all, there is no ready formula or recipe that works for all. At the end of the day, AI writing tools are just your writing assistant. It is not an automated thing that can generate high-end content without any input from the user end.
To overcome the riddles, you need to perform A/B testing. While editing to humanize AI content, try to come up with new ideas. Testing more will help you stay ahead of all others.
Can you use AI tool to humanize AI written content?
Making AI-written content sound more like humans using another AI tool might sound a bit hard to do.
But if you want, you can use some tricks to make AI text more human-like using tools like ChatGPT or the Genie mode of GetGenie AI writing tool.
To get help from GetGenie, pick Genie mode from the list of options. A box will show up where you can give exact directions and put in your writing to make it more like a human.
For example, you can tell it to replace hard words and not needed words. You can even make the writing better for certain words.
Check out following video on how to utilize Genie Mode:
Is there any online tool to humanize AI text?
Currently, different online tools are available in the market that claim to humanize AI text. You will, however, find most of them just paraphrase the AI text. That’s why, I recommend not to use those tools.
If you want to check, try the tools like, Stealthwriter and Plagiarism remover.
What Google says about AI content?
Google Search emphasizes the importance of rewarding high-quality, people-first content and clarifies its stance on AI-generated content. While AI can be used to create helpful content, using it to manipulate search rankings is against Google’s spam policies.
Google advises creators to focus on producing original, high-quality content that demonstrates expertise and trustworthiness.
If you provide enough value in your content, humanize AI content, and follow the Google guidance, you can expect to achieve great results with AI-generated content.
Frequently asked questions
Do you have more queries regarding humanizing AI generated content? Then go through the following questions and answers.
Is there any AI content to human content converter?
There are several AI text humanizers available that claim to be able to convert AI-generated content into human language. However, it is important to note that, there is no best way to humanize AI text. This is because, these converter tools themselves are powered by AI. As a result, the end result of using these tools may not always be entirely satisfactory.
Should I use AI to write blog posts for competitive keywords?
Why not! AI tools like GetGenie now have advanced algorithms that can write blog posts with all the information that a reader might looking for. You should try AI to write a blog post and then humanize as mentioned above to rank better on the SERP and get better engagement.
How to change AI-generated text?
If you plan to modify AI-generated text, it’s best to do it manually. Start by verifying the authenticity of the information to ensure its accuracy. Then, check for words that may not align with your content’s intended purpose. Finally, make sure that the tone of the written text is appropriate for your target audience.
Final Words
So, now you know how to humanize AI content. In other words, how to convert AI content to human content. It is time to take action. Follow the above steps to get better results. Remember that AI tools are not for generating entire content from scratch. It will always require some expert input.
On top of everything, it is essential to choose the right AI writing tool. Make sure the tool is using the latest language model for generating content. Don’t forget to leverage an AI content writer and SEO assistant like GetGenie.
[…] If you provide value by following the above tips, you can easily monetize AI generated content. […]