AI in Advertising: Deep Dive with Examples
Så snart AI's søgelys kom ind på reklameindustrien, begyndte annoncører at spørge: vil AI udføre alt dette tunge arbejde alene uden menneskelig involvering?
Ads these days are way more improved than they used to be. They’re more specific, relevant, targeted, and useful. AI magic has made all of this possible. With its assistance, we’re always coming up with new ways to advertise, like different platforms and various targeting options.
Giant companies are already using AI tools to dramatically scale up the creation of advertising assets as well.
Så vi har lavet denne guide for at give annoncører en dyb forståelse af, hvordan man bruger kunstig intelligens i annoncering.
Lad os springe direkte ind med et simpelt spørgsmål.
- What is AI in Advertising?
- Hvordan bør marketingfolk værdsætte AI i reklamekampagner?
- Why Should You Use AI in Advertising?
- What Are The Challenges of AI in Advertising?
- How to Get Started With AI Advertising?
- AI Practices in Advertising Explained
- Examples of AI in Advertising
- Marketer’s Common Mistakes in Using AI
- Ofte stillede spørgsmål
- Afslutter...
What is AI in Advertising?
The term “AI in Advertising” refers to all the support advertisers receive from Artificial intelligence for planning, analytics, and creative assets to deliver relevant content to their audience. Using AI advertising tools ensures the best ROI from ad campaigns due to optimized data and automated management. Plus, the creative team’s workload can be reduced by generating interactive assets for ad campaigns with AI tools.
The impact of AI in advertising has been a massive breakthrough in recent times as companies find true effectiveness. Now they know:
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And they will do all the work in the least possible time. Hence, using AI has a lot of value for advertisers.
Er der virkelig?
But, what if the current state of using AI in advertising has some upsides?
Well, to discuss it better next we want to focus on how advertisers should value the utilization of AI in advertising.
Hvordan bør marketingfolk værdsætte AI i reklamekampagner?
AI has been contributing hugely to marketers’ efforts. It is writing ad copies for them, tracking all the data, automating the ad management, and many more. AI helps to run kontekstuelle annoncer der hjælper med at levere en personlig oplevelse.
Alt dette er muligt på grund af AI's evne til analysere og behandle store mængder data. Whereas, humans fall far behind considering the efficiency and speed of AI tools. Marketers are even worried about layoffs as AI automates all major advertising tasks.
But how is AI supposed to manage emotion, creativity, complex problem-solving, ethics, and moral judgments?
Spontan menneske-til-menneske interaktionsfærdigheder are also missing through AI tools. As a result, there is much that is still on human shoulders.
Nu, i dette AI vs Human battle, hvor står vi marketingfolk?
We have to understand that using AI has already passed the experiment stage. Big companies are lykkes med at nå ud til publikum med målrettet annoncering. Så du skal omfavne denne forandring.
Basically, marketers will be at the top of their game by using AI tools. They just need to know hvordan man kan presse fordelene ved disse værktøjer og fremme deres arbejdsgang. Og hvis de kan gøre det, vil kunstig intelligens supplere reklamejob i stedet for at true deres job.
Og der vil være mere at udforske med AI i de kommende dage for annonceindustrien. Så lad os afslutte det her had-kærlighed spil og opdag nogle af de eksisterende fordele, som marketingfolk nyder godt af.
Why Should You Use AI in Advertising?
There’s no doubt AI brings a whole bunch of benefits to the table. And, observing the current advertising landscape, the lion shares are intensively leveraging AI tools.
We have tried to find out the factors contributing to their effective outputs. So that you can also figure out why you should use AI in advertising.
Deling af personlig oplevelse
Det er overflødigt at sige, hvor vigtigt det er at udvikle personalisering i reklamekampagner. Du kan ikke forvente engagement fra publikum med nogle tilfældige kunstværker. Folk tiltrækkes af reklamer, der supplerer deres købsoplevelse.
Men det er lidt kompliceret at finde ud af publikums forventninger. Faktisk handler det om data.
AI applies deep learning to analyze data related to audience interests, behavior, intent, and more to create a precise buyer persona. Using customer insights, you can create interest-based creatives for advertisements that help increase your brand’s credibility.
Udnyt fordelene ved programmatisk annoncering
AI technology enhances the automation of Programmatic advertising. It makes it easier for publishers and advertisers to keep up with real-time media buying. Most importantly, AI can help both parties to do sentiment research of users through their browsing data and previous actions to similar ads, NLP & facial analysis. This ensures that users are seeing your ads when they are in the mood to purchase.
Forbliv relevant for forandring
Understanding how online audiences react is really challenging due to frequent changes in their behavior patterns. Therefore, marketers suffer in making decisions. However, AI can quickly adapt to any changes and predict future user trends with the help of data. This predictive analytics will help you tweak your ad campaign as needed.
Få målrettet publikum
Machine learning a subset of AI is fundamentally helpful to segmenting for operating more targeted campaigns. Instead of rushing through the crowd, you’ll be presented with optimized consumer data based on social channels, behavior patterns, location, device usage, etc. Further, AI can discover new look-alike audiences by analyzing past campaign data. Thus you have more potential customers on your sales funnel. And running ad campaigns among targeted audiences can maximize engagement and increase ROI.
Automatiser kreativ oprettelse
AI has taken the advertising industry to a new height through the automated creation of ad creatives. There is a growing use of AI tools among companies to create ad copy, design, and other multimedia content. Here, the good thing is that these tools are constantly improving their power to create human-like creatives. In some cases, they can maintain relevance much better than humans with specific demographic assistants. So companies are benefiting with their time and budget.
What Are The Challenges of AI in Advertising?
While most advertisers worldwide experience the positive impact of their campaigns, there are some challenges when you apply AI to your workflow. Let’s learn about them to make better use of AI in advertising.
Forstyrr databeskyttelse
AI’s development has always been against data privacy. The same is true when it comes to advertising. This is somewhat challenging as violating any privacy policy will harm the company’s reputation. As AI goes through thousands of user data, there is always an ethical risk alert. For this reason, your team needs to be knowledgeable about legal guidelines and terms. Especially, in the region where your ad campaign is running.
Bias og unøjagtigt output
AI technology relies entirely on data. It works properly as long as you enter the right data and train it the right way. If this data doesn’t represent the customer group and promotion needs, you won’t get the appropriate results. So, marketers need to be careful about the bias that AI can create. It would be good for them to have some knowledge of how AI algorithms work.
Frøken Kreativ Nuance
AI struggles to produce content on a human level. It can’t craft content with the nuance og unikhed for at bringe nye oplevelser frem for publikums øjne. Så dine kampagner går glip af den forventede konvertering. Du skal bruge en menneskelig hånd til at hjælpe gennem hele skabelsesprocessen og derefter til at vurdere kvaliteten.
Mangel på dybere interaktion med kunder
Two things the AI missed significantly. First, they can’t develop relationships with customers on a deeper emotional level. Second, AI doesn’t understand the importance of your message. As a result, it can’t encompass the value you put towards your audience for building brand loyalty and trust.
AI also can’t create your complete marketing strategy. And, you shouldn’t expect it as well. Because, a marketing strategy complies with future goals, competitor insights, market trends, etc. In this case, AI won’t give you that comprehensive support.
So, how to get started with AI for advertising campaigns? This is what we are going to discuss next.
How to Get Started With AI Advertising?
This section explores the idle approach you can apply to maximize the potential of AI in advertising.
To help you better understand how to get started using AI in advertising, we’d like to categorize the use of AI in two ways.
Men bemærk det, it isn’t a text-book framework. Actually, we are sharing our team experience only. It is how our marketing team has perceived AI in its advertising workflow. For now, let’s know them.
- Automatisering af hverdagsopgaver.
An advertising team needs to conduct repetitive tasks on a daily basis, like writing ad copies or designing banners. Such works don’t take up much of human expertise. Thus, leveraging AI in this category will not only automate the entire operation but also provide much more accurate output.
Dette skyldes, at dette automatiseringssystem er baseret på et sæt forudsigelige scenarier. Og du behøver ikke engang at gennemgå et faktatjek. Disse kreative annoncer vil snarere holde brandets stemme konstant.
- Brug af maskinlæringsalgoritmer
Den næste applikation bruger big data-trænede algoritmer til at løse mere komplekse problemer. Denne implikation af maskinlæring analyserer løbende brugeradfærd for at finde ud af nye tendenser til at segmentere publikum og køre hyper-personlige annoncer. Desuden opdager den nye kanaler og publikum til nye konverteringsmuligheder.
En anden vigtig del af brugen af disse algoritmer er at vedligeholde programmatisk køb effektivt og skabe et automatisk allokeringssystem til budgettet. På denne måde kan du også generere det bedste ROI.
So till now, you have learned the categorization of your advertising workflow using AI. Nevertheless, you are required to have ideas on the tools to process this leg work.
Commonly there are two kinds of tools that advertisers use to join with AI revolution.
- Dedicated AI Tools
The first kind of AI tool lets you work in a closed environment. This solution excels independently in one of your special advertising needs. For example, it can serve a single purpose like fraud detection or ad creative generation.
- Integrated AI Tools
Integrated AI tools can be functionally incorporated into your advertising ecosystem. The addition of these tools brings comprehensive solutions through empowering advertisement platforms with powerful AI features. Further, you will have centralized control as you don’t need to use tools outside the platform. For instance, AI-driven insights can be included directly in your digital system for better creative generation and ad targeting.
AI Practices in Advertising Explained
Your advertising campaign needs to align with various different activities. It is important to know the uses of AI individually in those activities.
Kunstig intelligens kan bedre segmentere publikum for at generere personaliseret tekst for større engagement.
How to use AI for Ad Text content?
Det er ikke nemt at finde på kreativ kopi hver dag. Men i et typisk scenarie for et reklamefirma skal forfattere gøre de samme ting igen og igen. Derfor mangler deres håndværk kunstnerisk finesse.
In such text content tasks, writers can find immense help from AI writing tools. Our writers use GetGenie AI til at generere forskellige typer indhold såsom posttekst på sociale medier, tekst med opfordring til handling, annoncekopier og mange flere. De finder også meget kontrol, lad os sige, at vi kan definere kreativitetsniveauet, tonen, forskellig sprogunderstøttelse og flere output.
Hvad er fordelene?
✅ Brug dyb læringsalgoritme til at genkende publikums stemning.
✅ Generer tekst, som publikum let genkender.
✅ Lavet sociale medier-klare kopier med emojis.
✅ Opret højkonverterende annoncetekst på minimal tid.
✅ Foreslå flere udgange.
Grafisk indhold
Nowadays, a lot of people are using AI tools to make graphics like pictures, banners, and social post images to reduce the constant workload for creative teams.
How to Use AI for Ad Graphical Content?
AI can be a great companion for designers to experiment and discover new visual concepts. You just need to enter your prompt followed by “forestille” for at generere et billede med et værktøj som Midjourney. Du kan også angive forholdet og mange flere parametre for at skabe det bedste billede. Og inden for et minut genererer dette værktøj fire forskellige billeder i henhold til din prompt. Yderligere kan du redigere de genererede billeder på enkle måder.
Desuden kan du ændre et eksisterende billede for at ændre dets grafiske struktur og farveskema. En ting, du skal fokusere på, er at give klare, præcise og beskrivende anvisninger. Du kan øve dig i at anvende forskellige prompter for at finde en, der virker. Den bedste mulighed ville være at bruge en promptgenerator.
Hvad er fordelene
✅ Analyser en lang række data relateret til skrifttype, farve og skemaer for eksisterende grafik på nettet.
✅ fremskynde arbejdsgangen ved at automatisere opgaver som skrifttypegenkendelse, fjernelse af baggrund, billedmærkning, objektgenkendelse osv.
✅ Hjælp designere med korrekt feedback og forslag.
✅ Lad dig give mere opmærksomhed til strategiske og kreative aspekter.
✅ Opret automatiserede layouts til forskellige platforme.
✅ Ingen grund til at have et stort designteam.
✅ Hold mærkeidentiteten konsekvent.
AI supports the following areas of video production for your ad campaigns: audience targeting, video scaling, and tracking results.
How to Use AI for Ad Video Content?
First, you need to choose a video type. Taking it into consideration, AI starts by analyzing large amounts of existing video content and generates the most engaging idea to create the storyline for your video. Then, you need an interactive video script for sure. We use GetGenie AI to skabe kreative og intuitive videoscripts på rekordtid.
Moreover, most AI video tools have a tekst til tale funktion til voiceover, tune stemmestilen og inkludere din egen stemmeoptagelse. Denne funktionalitet strækker sig til AI dubbing, som kan være et effektivt værktøj til lokalisering eller oversættelsesformål. Du kan oprette din video på ét sprog og derefter bruge AI til at generere voiceovers på forskellige sprog og nå ud til et bredere publikum.
Det samme gælder for andre aktiver som billeder eller grafik. Sørg for at forhåndsvise videoen, før du genererer den, hvis dit værktøj har en sådan understøttende mulighed. Når du er tilfreds, skal du begynde at generere og dele den med den målrettede kanal.
Hvad er fordelene
✅ Forbedre din videoredigerings- og postproduktionsproces.
✅ Tilpas alle de visuelle elementer uafhængigt.
✅ Opdel videoen i forskellige moduler og placer dem i forskellige sammenhænge for at teste.
✅ Konverter automatisk tekst eller tale til voiceover med forskellige sprog og toner.
✅ Analyser algoritmer for at kende publikums interesser og præferencer.
Du kan komme med en effektiv og datadrevet annoncestrategi på ingen tid.
How to Use AI for Ad Data Analysis?
Du vil starte med at definere målene for kampagnen for at sætte en klar mission. I dette trin behøver du ikke være sikker på resultatet. Inden da skal du virkelig forstå, hvor du står på kunderejsekortet. Det giver dig mulighed for at finde et par ting som, hvor du skal tage det første skridt, og hvor dine muligheder ligger.
Du har identificeret de ting, du vil gå videre til at skabe arbejdsgange. eller dette kan du have et enkelt værktøj til alt eller flere værktøjer til forskellige trin.
Uanset hvad, vil du generere et omfattende annoncekort opdelt i trin i henhold til dine input. Derefter giver disse værktøjer dig mulighed for at se liveopdateringer af annoncekampagner. Ved at observere den aktuelle tendens kan du til enhver tid revidere strategien.
Hvad er fordelene
✅ Få den fulde annonceringsstrategi med et enkelt klik.
✅ Vis multikanaltragtrapporter.
✅ Identificere nye muligheder for publikum og kanaler.
✅ Opstil et budget ved at se en forhåndsvisning af potentielle opgaver og deres udgifter.
Examples of AI in Advertising
AI Solution: IBM Watson Advertising Conversations
Lufthansa ledte efter måder at gøre deres annoncer mere "naturlige" og "empatiske" ved hjælp af kunstig intelligens. Af denne grund implementerede de samtalemarkedsføring for at få handlekraftig indsigt fra rejsende og eventyr.
✔️ Lavet en kreativ strategi efter ny indsigt.
✔️ Lavet en rejsepersonlighed til en bestemt destination.
✔️ Fandt nye trends blandt brugerne til at køre nye mediekampagner.
✔️ Marquee-integration på mobil påvirkede en samtalehastighed på 8%.
✔️ Publikum bruger mere tid (gennemsnit 41 sekunder).
✔️ Havde 4 brugerdrevne interaktioner i en enkelt session.
AI Solution: Buzzy
Populær medievirksomhed BuzzFeed er kommet i rampelyset i AI-genererede indholdsscenarier ved hjælp af Buzzy. Denne virksomhed har automatiseret sin "Infinity quizzer” program to show relevant content to a bigger audience. The good thing is that they got to show the best use of AI in collaboration with humans.
✔️ Få mere engagement end menneskeskrevet indhold.
✔️ Mindre afhængighed af andre teknologier.
✔️ Direkte engagement med publikum med chatbots.
✔️ Faciliterer AI-assisteret billeder til annoncer på sociale medier.
AI Solution: Own artificial intelligence (AI) platform developed by OpenAI and Bain & Company.
Coca-Cola, the world’s most-consumed soft drink has been using AI to align human talent and brand identity. We think this global corporation is pioneering the use of AI in the advertising arena. They are bringing realistic approaches to fan engagements with AI assistance.
✔️ Generering af visuelle aktiver, der resonerer med brandidentitet.
✔️ Involving consumers in creative campaigns with AI.
✔️ Generer videoindhold i høj kvalitet ved hjælp af AI.
✔️ Utilizing AI to design billboards.
✔️ Integrates AI into its music platform.
Marketer’s Common Mistakes in Using AI
AI tools are powerful enough to get you started in just a few clicks. But, the downside of this advantage is that advertisers are opening an AI application without any groundwork. Because of this, AI sometimes correctly answers the wrong question.
Nu viser vi dig nogle af de fejl, marketingfolk begår, når de kører deres kampagner med kunstig intelligens.
Stærkt afhængig af data. AI gives you a lot of data to make your advertising strategy. But, if the data don’t align with your campaign goal. You may not get the expected results. To avoid this, you need to have an idea before kickstarting. So that you can have a set background while generating all creative content and analyzing data.
Undervurder menneskelig overbærenhed. This mistake is often made by ad companies. They abruptly exclude human efforts and try to do all things with AI tools. However, it’s a misunderstanding. Because AI still needs a human hand to produce the best output. The correct prompt can only be understood by a person who has expertise in that matter.
Ignorerer faktatjek og korrekturlæsning. After finally producing the output, users tend not to recheck the results by AI. However, there could be complexity or error in the system in the artificial intelligence algorithm which leads to inaccurate facts. So, you must check the output before implementing the results for your needs.
Ingen etiske overvejelser. Large AI databases have opportunities to violate audience privacy. It can raise legal complications while you target audiences. For example, your ads campaign can blocked in a certain region. So don’t just randomly enable ad campaigns but also recheck other necessary ethical and privacy considerations.
Ofte stillede spørgsmål
So, we looked at how the implementation of AI can bring improvements in targeting, personalization, creativity, budget allocation, and more. This result has forced companies to redefine their advertising strategies.
Now, you will find various AI tools to help your ad campaigns. You can try different tools to get the suitable one. For example, we find GetGenie to be the right solution for our creative assistants like ad copies or video scripts.