Vad är framtiden för marknadsföring i AI-tiden?

The AI renaissance is sweeping through the entire marketing strategy. The power of AI has reshaped marketers’ traditional approaches, leading us to marketing in the age of AI.
Artificiell intelligens (AI) är kärnan i banbrytande marknadsföringsstrategier som leder organisationer in i nästa steg av kundengagemang, personligt skapande av innehåll och datainformerat beslutsfattande.
In this write-up, we’ll be covering everything including challenges, benefits, use cases, real examples, and everything you need to know about marketing in the age of AI.
Current Trends of AI in Marketing
The growing adoption of AI in marketing is the next turning point. In reality, it has already had a breakthrough impact – at least the statistics support it.
51% of marketers are using AI, according to a survey of over 1000 marketers conducted by Salesforce this year (2023). Another 22% are also planning to add AI to their marketing arsenal.
Marketers have extensively used AI to achieve a wide range of objectives. Below you’ll find the marketing professional’s responses to that survey.
- Handla om 76% av marketers use AI-generated content för copywriting och annat grundläggande innehåll.
- Nästan 63% of marketers find AI helpful in analyzing market data.
- Även 62% of marketers are generating marketing visual creatives with AI.
- Också, 71% procent av marknadsförare säger att de får stöd för kreativt tänkande.
But, what factors are influencing marketing experts to take the help of AI?
Om vi tittar på Salesforce-studierapporten, 71% of marketers believe that AI eliminates their busy work and helps to get more time for strategic decisions. Applying AI in marketing work can save approximately 5 timmar per vecka.
Well, marketers are already relying heavily on AI – but, what do audiences or customers think?
Goda nyheter! Konsumenter har också visat positivt omdöme i denna era av AI-baserad marknadsföring. En färsk undersökning av Capgemini Research Institute hittade det om 62% of customers have no issue with the utilization of AI in marketing.
And, they shouldn’t have since one of the core goals underlying AI is to create en kundcentrerad marknadsföringsstrategi.
Så när vi tittar på denna pågående trend kan vi definitivt försäkra dig om att marknadsföring står inför en stor vändpunkt in this age of AI.
But, how you’re supposed to utilize AI in your marketing campaign?
What will happen to marketing in the age of AI?
For this, we will first look at what AI means in marketing.
What is AI in marketing?
AI in marketing refers to the practice of integrating artificial intelligence to enhance all aspects of a marketing campaign.
With AI technologies and techniques like data collection, data-driven analysis, naturlig språkbehandling (NLP), maskininlärning (ML) och många fler till automatisera arbetsflödet och leverera exakta kundinsikter till fatta korrekta beslut.
Further, AI not only helps you with what you are doing, but it also identifies what you are saknas för att nå dina marknadsföringsmål.
The perks don’t end there, though. Nowadays, AI has the potential to empower your marketing campaigns in many other ways. But, before we talk about the benefits, we need to look at the challenges of AI utilization in marketing activities.
Adapting AI into Marketing: Key Challenges
Adapting to a new technology is never easy. And, there is no difference when it comes to AI. Marketers are also regularly facing the following challenges in marketing at the age of AI.
Datakvalitet och noggrannhet
Ensuring data integrity is one of the biggest challenges for marketers. AI can give you access to millions of data in a fraction of time, men det är bara användbart om det tjänar ditt syfte. Du kommer bara att få en otillräcklig och rörigare datamängd om du bara är där utan några effektiva datahanteringsmetoder.
Further, AI collects data from your external or internal resources, where incomplete or inaccurate data sources can lead to flat decisions.
Otydliga mål
AI can’t determine your marketing goals automatically. You have to set your campaign objectives or road map. But, what AI can do is dramatically enhance the overall operation to reach the goal in a focused and data-driven way.
Förstå marknadsföringskontext
Another key point that AI+ commonly misses is the context of your marketing strategy. Contextual understanding is something that is deeply attached to the human beings. AI can’t read natural situations like humans göra med sitt sunda förnuft.
Integrering i befintlig marknadsföringsstrategi
If you think AI is a stand-alone tool for marketing strategy, you are in misconception. The challenge here is finding talented marketers who can understand the needs of AI throughout the strategy and apply it efficiently.
Otillräcklig expertis hos marknadsförare
Although many marketers are using AI extensively for various purposes there is still en stor grupp som inte drar nytta av detta framsteg. Till och med de som redan har lagt till det i sina marknadsföringsaktiviteter är fortfarande borta från att göra hundra procent av det.
Och detta händer på grund av bristande kunskaper i att använda AI. En annan olycka är att inte ha tillräckligt med utbildnings- och inlärningsmaterial dedikerat till den digitala marknadsföringsindustrin i tiden för artificiell intelligens och maskininlärning.
Fördomar och etiska bekymmer
Another vital AI marketing challenge is avoiding biases and ethical concerns. Algorithms are powerful but not intelligent enough to maintain transparency. Hence, markets must pay close attention to such concerns before blindly trusting AI reports.
Datasekretess och säkerhet:
AI drives marketers to build personalization in their campaigns.
Datainsamling och analys för AI-driven personalisering väcker integritetsproblem. Marknadsförare måste följa dataskyddsbestämmelser, inklusive GDPR, och säkert hantera kunddata.
Benefits of Applying AI Applications in Marketing?
AI can help you in many ways to help your marketing efforts. Below, we have discussed some major AI marketing benefits to maximize your ROI.
Erbjud personligt innehåll
Den bästa marknadsföringskampanjen presenterar rätt budskap vid rätt tidpunkt till dina kunder. Anpassa marknadsföringsinnehåll based on customer preferences and behaviors can significantly boost customer engagement. AI-based solutions can analysera kundresan på ett datadrivet sätt och ta reda på deras intressen och behov – vilket också hjälper till att minska churn-frekvensen.
Segmentering av riktade kunder
As a marketer, it is important to segment your customers according to different factors. And, also reach them with customized messages. AI algorithms will help you understand the different needs of users by grouping them into different demographics.
Hitta nya marknadsföringskanaler
While AI is excellent at helping you keep engaged with the customer before your eyes, it also opens up new channels to increase your customers. As AI plays with large amounts of data, it can easily find new channels where potential customers are roaming. And, leveraging them in your marketing campaign will help increase sales.
Prediktiv analys
Att förutse framtida trender och konsumentbeteende kommer att ge dig en fördel gentemot dina konkurrenter. Som marknadsförare, det är ett stort plus. It lets you identify the features or attributes that customers are looking for and effectively design the promotional strategy. AI can analyze existing consumer data and predict what’s coming next.
Få tillgång till realtidsdataanalys
As your marketing campaign progresses, you need up-to-date reports to oversee the current state. It helps to bring any improvement or update in the campaign for maximizing the ROI. For this, AI can present a real-time data analysis of your campaign performance over time.
Automatisera och effektivisera arbetsflödet
While traditional marketing can be time-consuming and involve mundane tasks, AI-based campaigns tend to alleviate repetitive tasks. AI integrates automation into the marketing workflow and ensures you’re only doing the appropriate things. Such a system lets you lägga mer tid och kraft på andra strategiska beslut.
Förbättrat beslutsfattande
När du har mer tid att fatta beslut är det mindre troligt att du stöter på några problem. Viktigast av allt, du kommer att ha dataresurserna för att lösa förvirring utan några känslomässiga brister. Att till exempel hålla marknadsförare informerade om all information om en kommande marknadsföringsstrategi kommer att göra dem mer effektiva när de fördelar en budget.
Reskilling the Marketers for the AI Revolution
Över tid, AI vs human conversation has undergone extensive changes. The present workforce has started to take AI as their companion rather than a competitor. But, this sync between both sides has to go through a reskilling process.
Faktiskt, 40% of the total workforce needs the training to adapt to AI over the next three years- as per an IBM report. Marketers are also not exempt from this requirement. The reskilling in the age of AI of all human stakeholders for marketing in the age of AI is evident.
Let’s learn about some optimal ways to bridge the gap between AI and marketers.
Säkerställ lika värde
On most occasions, we have seen that businesses or organizations underestimate humans compared to AI. This tendency results in demotivating marketers and disrupts the practice of healthy marketing.
To prevent this, there should have been an equal investment in developing AI technology and improving human knowledge. This combined allocation will lead to a better prospect in the marketing industry.
Gör om den konventionella träningen
Most companies offer regular training and educational resources to help marketers step up their game. But, in this age of marketing with AI, we need to redesign this employee development process. We must understand, AI is augmenting our existing capabilities rather than introducing an entirely new marketing system.
Av denna anledning bör befintliga utbildningsmoduler modifieras för att lära anställda hur AI-applikationer kan driva varje steg i en marknadsföringsstrategi.
Samarbete med utbildningsinstitutioner
Companies can also take the initiative to partner with local educational institutions to design high-skill training for their employees. Such knowledge-sharing sessions will help both parties to be up-to-date with the latest AI developments. In this way, we can also ensure future qualified talent in the workforce.
Garantera framtidsutsikter
This reskilling mission should be conducted with employees in mind. They will only show interest in this upskilling process if it adds value to their careers. Companies should also promote people who are capable of making the most of AI.
Popular Use Cases of AI in Marketing Practices
Låt oss börja träna på riktigt. Vi har listat några vanliga metoder för marknadsföring i AI-tiden. Dessa metoder hjälper dig att förstå det aktuella scenariot ännu bättre.
Content Marketing in the Age of Ajag
Content marketing requires your time and expertise. You can’t add value to your audience without investing your sweat. Here, AI makes the biggest efforts to automatisera arbetsflödet för innehållsskapande.
The content creation team can apply AI writing for each phase like analyzing keywords, creating an outline, optimizing with NLP suggestions, and many more. This integration will enhance the speed of content production.
Even, AI writing technology has gone even further. For example, using the blogggenerator med ett klick feature of GetGenie AI you can craft an entire blog within seconds.
Social Media Marketing in the Age of Ajag
Om du vill bygga en stark närvaro av ditt varumärke på sociala media, AI has a lot to offer. It can be a tedious job to come up with an attractive social media post every day. But, you have to maintain it to keep your followers always engaged.
To make your social media work easier, AI-based tools can automate the scheduling of social posts, generate text copies, and analyze key insights.
Vi är nöjda med dedikerade mallar för olika sociala webbplatser av GetGenie. Vårt sociala medieteam kan enkelt skapa en övertygande kopia för sitt inlägg som även inkluderar emojis.
Email Marketing in the Age of Ajag
It may seem that using AI for email marketing only means generating email copies. But, there’s more to do. When you incorporate AI into your email marketing, you’re sending the right message to your audience at the right time.
AI analyzes past email campaign behavior and performance to create an optimized email strategy. It can even customize emails according to different audience types. And, when someone takes action after receiving an email AI will automate the triggering to lessen the repetitive work.
Och håll dig alltid uppdaterad genom att övervaka realtidsanalysen av din e-postkampanj. Efter dessa rapporter kommer du att strukturera om e-postkampanjen.
Video Marketing in the Age of Ajag
Videomarknadsföring är en av de svåraste uppgifterna som marknadsförare gör. Det involverar idéskapande, manusskrivning, videoredigering, videoproduktion, voiceover, etc. Och det är mycket efterproduktionsarbete involverat i att driva en videokampanj också.
Artificiell intelligens kan effektivisera det hela videomarknadsföring bearbeta. På senare tid har användningen av AI-skrivning verktyg för att skapa videoskript has become increasingly popular. Another key benefit of AI is empowering data analysis. The powerful data insight can open the door for new video content ideas and more viewers.
You can even make videos without writing a script or using a camera. Sounds amazing? Using your existing visual content such as videos, images, and text copy, AI can create an entirely new video that can be used for marketing. Furthermore, AI technology enhances the audience experience by automating the transcription and captions.
Product Marketing in the Age of AI
You know your product very well but target customers are far from it. The challenge is more difficult when the jobs need to be done by the startups or new companies. Here comes AI, it can be a great solution for product marketers to sync their original branding messaging with campaign assets.
Actually, things can be started much before. AI can predict customer buying behavior and recommend features for your upcoming products. It helps to create the branding strategy. AI also helps in finding new channels to advertise your new products.
Visual Branding in the Age of AI
The best thing AI can bring to your visual branding is consistency. When properly trained, AI can adhere to brand guidelines better than human designers. But, that doesn’t mean it is replacing the designer team.
Rather, applying AI tools will help designers be more flexible and creative for an efficient brand strategy.
But don’t limit AI use to our curted areas only. There could be many more depending on the circumstances of your marketing and advertising activities. Get benefits as much as you can.
Let’s learn from the below AI marketing examples, how AI can be used in marketing
Examples of AI in Today’s Marketing
There are thousands of examples of implementing AI in marketing campaigns that have seen success. You will see many examples in every industry. Now, we are going to highlight 3 examples to better understand your on marketing at the age of AI.
Tillämpad metod: Prediktiv analys
AI Marketing Outcome: En ökning av försäljningen med 20% från Volkswagen-återförsäljare.
Volkswagen is a pioneer in using AI in the automobile industry. Since 2013, an expert team has been working in the Data Lab in Munich to implement AI in various aspects. And, as a part of this, their marketing team takes the help of Predictive Analysis to forecast the customer buying decision.
They use AI to analyze data including economic development, household income, consumer preferences, model availability, and pricing. By eliminating their hired marketing agency, they worked on their marketing campaign independently with the support of data. This initiative resulted in an increase of 20% in sales by their dealership.
Tillämpad metod: AI Voice Search (Amazon’s Alexa)
AI Marketing Outcome: Nå 31,2 miljoner mobilkunder.
Starbucks has successfully taken the advantage of growing voice search trend. Considering their large number of adult consumers, they implemented an AI voice-powered barista service in their “My Starbucks Barista’ mobile app.
Deras mål var att säkerställa kundernas flexibilitet att ge anpassade beställningar och ställa in hämtningsplatser med röst eller chatbot. Med stöd av Amazons Alexa kunde de nå 31,2 miljoner mobilkunder.
And, the good thing is Starbucks is still trying to harness the power of AI for the betterment of customer service. They newly introduced a new AI-based innovation “AI-powered Mastrena II espresso makers” to bring consistency to the coffee-making process.
Tillämpad metod: Personalisering
AI Marketing Outcome: 80% av showvisningen är baserad på personliga rekommendationer.
Netflix är världens största underhållningsplattform. Men folk prenumererar inte för att bara titta på alla typer av innehåll. Olika användare har sina unika preferenser och de vill inte hoppa i en massa.
For this reason, Netflix tried to give a personalized user experience. They utilize an AI-driven machine learning technology to show content based on individual choices. This technology works with the historical data of existing subscribers watching. It helps them to create a viewer persona, which helps them to develop personalized experiences for individual users.
Denna insats har haft en positiv inverkan, där 80% av shower ses från en personlig rekommendation.
Över till dig!
Nu är det dags att ompröva din marknadsföringsstrategi med hjälp av AI. Men, det är också sant att allt inte räcker som läroboksexemplen.
You will find hurdles while taking your marketing in the age of AI. We have to understand this AI is still in the development process. However, human hands can help you overcome all the challenges.