AI in Advertising: Deep Dive with Examples

AI が広告業界に注目を集めるとすぐに、広告主は次のような疑問を抱き始めました。AI は人間の関与なしに、この重労働をすべて単独で行うのでしょうか?
Ads these days are way more improved than they used to be. They’re more specific, relevant, targeted, and useful. AI magic has made all of this possible. With its assistance, we’re always coming up with new ways to advertise, like different platforms and various targeting options.
Giant companies are already using AI tools to dramatically scale up the creation of advertising assets as well.
そこで、広告主が広告における AI の使用方法を深く理解できるように、このガイドを作成しました。
- What is AI in Advertising?
- マーケティング担当者は広告キャンペーンにおいて AI をどのように評価すべきでしょうか?
- Why Should You Use AI in Advertising?
- What Are The Challenges of AI in Advertising?
- How to Get Started With AI Advertising?
- AI Practices in Advertising Explained
- Examples of AI in Advertising
- Marketer’s Common Mistakes in Using AI
- よくある質問
- まとめ…
What is AI in Advertising?
The term “AI in Advertising” refers to all the support advertisers receive from Artificial intelligence for planning, analytics, and creative assets to deliver relevant content to their audience. Using AI advertising tools ensures the best ROI from ad campaigns due to optimized data and automated management. Plus, the creative team’s workload can be reduced by generating interactive assets for ad campaigns with AI tools.
The impact of AI in advertising has been a massive breakthrough in recent times as companies find true effectiveness. Now they know:
👉 対象となる視聴者は誰ですか?
👉 広告では具体的に何を表示する必要がありますか?
👉 最良の結果を得るにはどこにお金を使うべきですか?
👉 広告キャンペーンのパフォーマンスはどうですか?
And they will do all the work in the least possible time. Hence, using AI has a lot of value for advertisers.
But, what if the current state of using AI in advertising has some upsides?
Well, to discuss it better next we want to focus on how advertisers should value the utilization of AI in advertising.
マーケティング担当者は広告キャンペーンにおいて AI をどのように評価すべきでしょうか?
AI has been contributing hugely to marketers’ efforts. It is writing ad copies for them, tracking all the data, automating the ad management, and many more. AI helps to run コンテキスト広告 を提供するのに役立ちます パーソナライズされたエクスペリエンス.
これらすべてが可能になるのは、AI の能力のおかげです。 膨大な量のデータを分析および処理する. Whereas, humans fall far behind considering the efficiency and speed of AI tools. Marketers are even worried about layoffs as AI automates all major advertising tasks.
But how is AI supposed to manage emotion, creativity, complex problem-solving, ethics, and moral judgments?
自発的 人間対人間のインタラクションスキル are also missing through AI tools. As a result, there is much that is still on human shoulders.
さて、この中で AI vs Human battle、私たちマーケターはどこに立っているのでしょうか?
We have to understand that using AI has already passed the experiment stage. Big companies are 視聴者に届くことに成功する ターゲットを絞った広告で。したがって、この変化を受け入れなければなりません。
Basically, marketers will be at the top of their game by using AI tools. They just need to know これらのツールの利点を最大限に活用する方法 そしてワークフローを前進させます。そして、それができれば、AIは広告の仕事を脅かすのではなく、広告の仕事を補完することになるだろう。
そして、広告業界では今後数日で AI を活用して探求すべきことがさらに増えるでしょう。それでは、これで終わりにしましょう 愛憎ゲーム そして、マーケターが享受している既存の利点のいくつかを発見してください。
Why Should You Use AI in Advertising?
There’s no doubt AI brings a whole bunch of benefits to the table. And, observing the current advertising landscape, the lion shares are intensively leveraging AI tools.
We have tried to find out the factors contributing to their effective outputs. So that you can also figure out why you should use AI in advertising.
AI applies deep learning to analyze data related to audience interests, behavior, intent, and more to create a precise buyer persona. Using customer insights, you can create interest-based creatives for advertisements that help increase your brand’s credibility.
AI technology enhances the automation of Programmatic advertising. It makes it easier for publishers and advertisers to keep up with real-time media buying. Most importantly, AI can help both parties to do sentiment research of users through their browsing data and previous actions to similar ads, NLP & facial analysis. This ensures that users are seeing your ads when they are in the mood to purchase.
Understanding how online audiences react is really challenging due to frequent changes in their behavior patterns. Therefore, marketers suffer in making decisions. However, AI can quickly adapt to any changes and predict future user trends with the help of data. This predictive analytics will help you tweak your ad campaign as needed.
Machine learning a subset of AI is fundamentally helpful to segmenting for operating more targeted campaigns. Instead of rushing through the crowd, you’ll be presented with optimized consumer data based on social channels, behavior patterns, location, device usage, etc. Further, AI can discover new look-alike audiences by analyzing past campaign data. Thus you have more potential customers on your sales funnel. And running ad campaigns among targeted audiences can maximize engagement and increase ROI.
AI has taken the advertising industry to a new height through the automated creation of ad creatives. There is a growing use of AI tools among companies to create ad copy, design, and other multimedia content. Here, the good thing is that these tools are constantly improving their power to create human-like creatives. In some cases, they can maintain relevance much better than humans with specific demographic assistants. So companies are benefiting with their time and budget.
What Are The Challenges of AI in Advertising?
While most advertisers worldwide experience the positive impact of their campaigns, there are some challenges when you apply AI to your workflow. Let’s learn about them to make better use of AI in advertising.
AI’s development has always been against data privacy. The same is true when it comes to advertising. This is somewhat challenging as violating any privacy policy will harm the company’s reputation. As AI goes through thousands of user data, there is always an ethical risk alert. For this reason, your team needs to be knowledgeable about legal guidelines and terms. Especially, in the region where your ad campaign is running.
AI technology relies entirely on data. It works properly as long as you enter the right data and train it the right way. If this data doesn’t represent the customer group and promotion needs, you won’t get the appropriate results. So, marketers need to be careful about the bias that AI can create. It would be good for them to have some knowledge of how AI algorithms work.
AI struggles to produce content on a human level. It can’t craft content with the 観客の目に新たな体験をもたらすニュアンスと独自性。そのため、キャンペーンでは期待されたコンバージョンが得られません。作成プロセス全体を支援し、品質を評価するには人間の手が必要です。
Two things the AI missed significantly. First, they can’t develop relationships with customers on a deeper emotional level. Second, AI doesn’t understand the importance of your message. As a result, it can’t encompass the value you put towards your audience for building brand loyalty and trust.
AI also can’t create your complete marketing strategy. And, you shouldn’t expect it as well. Because, a marketing strategy complies with future goals, competitor insights, market trends, etc. In this case, AI won’t give you that comprehensive support.
So, how to get started with AI for advertising campaigns? This is what we are going to discuss next.
How to Get Started With AI Advertising?
This section explores the idle approach you can apply to maximize the potential of AI in advertising.
To help you better understand how to get started using AI in advertising, we’d like to categorize the use of AI in two ways.
ただし、注意してください, it isn’t a text-book framework. Actually, we are sharing our team experience only. It is how our marketing team has perceived AI in its advertising workflow. For now, let’s know them.
- 日常業務の自動化。
An advertising team needs to conduct repetitive tasks on a daily basis, like writing ad copies or designing banners. Such works don’t take up much of human expertise. Thus, leveraging AI in this category will not only automate the entire operation but also provide much more accurate output.
- 機械学習アルゴリズムの使用
これらのアルゴリズムを使用するもう 1 つの重要な部分は、プログラマティック購入を効果的に維持し、予算の自動割り当てシステムを作成することです。このようにして、最高の ROI を生成することもできます。
So till now, you have learned the categorization of your advertising workflow using AI. Nevertheless, you are required to have ideas on the tools to process this leg work.
Commonly there are two kinds of tools that advertisers use to join with AI revolution.
- Dedicated AI Tools
The first kind of AI tool lets you work in a closed environment. This solution excels independently in one of your special advertising needs. For example, it can serve a single purpose like fraud detection or ad creative generation.
- Integrated AI Tools
Integrated AI tools can be functionally incorporated into your advertising ecosystem. The addition of these tools brings comprehensive solutions through empowering advertisement platforms with powerful AI features. Further, you will have centralized control as you don’t need to use tools outside the platform. For instance, AI-driven insights can be included directly in your digital system for better creative generation and ad targeting.
AI Practices in Advertising Explained
Your advertising campaign needs to align with various different activities. It is important to know the uses of AI individually in those activities.
人工知能は視聴者をより適切にセグメント化し、パーソナライズされたコンテンツを生成できます エンゲージメントを高めるためのテキスト.
How to use AI for Ad Text content?
In such text content tasks, writers can find immense help from AI writing tools. Our writers use GetGenie AI ソーシャル メディア投稿テキスト、CTA テキスト、広告コピーなど、さまざまな種類のコンテンツを生成します。創造性のレベル、トーン、さまざまな言語のサポート、および複数の出力を定義できるとしましょう。
✅ 深層学習アルゴリズムを使用して聴衆の気分を認識します。
✅ 聴衆が簡単に認識できるテキストを生成します。
✅ 絵文字を使用してソーシャルメディア対応のコピーを作成しました。
✅ 最小限の時間でコンバージョン率の高い広告コピーを作成します。
✅ 複数の出力を提案します。
Nowadays, a lot of people are using AI tools to make graphics like pictures, banners, and social post images to reduce the constant workload for creative teams.
How to Use AI for Ad Graphical Content?
AI can be a great companion for designers to experiment and discover new visual concepts. You just need to enter your prompt followed by “想像する」のようなツールで画像を生成します。 旅の途中。比率やその他のパラメータを指定して、最適な画像を作成することもできます。そして、このツールはプロンプトに従って 1 分以内に 4 つの異なる画像を生成します。さらに、生成された画像を簡単な方法で編集できます。
さらに、既存の画像を変更して、そのグラフィック構造と配色を変更することができます。注意すべきことの 1 つは、明確かつ簡潔で説明的なプロンプトを提供することです。さまざまなプロンプトを適用する練習をして、機能するプロンプトを見つけることができます。最良のオプションは、プロンプト ジェネレーターを使用することです。
✅ Web の既存のグラフィックスのフォント、色、スキームに関連する多数のデータを分析します。
✅ フォント認識、背景の削除、画像のタグ付け、オブジェクト認識などのタスクを自動化することで、ワークフローを高速化します。
✅ 適切なフィードバックや提案でデザイナーを支援します。
✅ 戦略的および創造的な側面にもっと注意を向けるようにしましょう。
✅ さまざまなプラットフォーム用の自動レイアウトを作成します。
✅ 大規模なデザインチームを持つ必要はありません。
✅ ブランドアイデンティティの一貫性を保ちます。
AI supports the following areas of video production for your ad campaigns: audience targeting, video scaling, and tracking results.
How to Use AI for Ad Video Content?
First, you need to choose a video type. Taking it into consideration, AI starts by analyzing large amounts of existing video content and generates the most engaging idea to create the storyline for your video. Then, you need an interactive video script for sure. We use GetGenie AI to 創造的で直感的なビデオスクリプトを作成する 記録的な速さで。
Moreover, most AI video tools have a テキスト読み上げ ナレーション機能、声のスタイル調整、自分の音声録音の追加などが可能です。この機能は AI吹き替えこれは、ローカリゼーションや翻訳の目的に強力なツールとなり得ます。ある言語でビデオを作成し、その後 AI を使用してさまざまな言語でナレーションを生成し、より幅広い視聴者にリーチすることができます。
画像やグラフィックなどの他のアセットについても同様です。ツールにそのようなサポート オプションがある場合は、ビデオを生成する前に必ずプレビューしてください。満足したら生成を開始し、対象のチャンネルと共有します。
✅ ビデオ編集とポストプロダクションプロセスを強化します。
✅ すべての視覚要素を個別にカスタマイズします。
✅ ビデオを異なるモジュールに分割し、異なるコンテキストに配置してテストします。
✅ テキストや音声をさまざまな言語や口調のナレーションに自動的に変換します。
✅ アルゴリズムを分析して視聴者の興味や好みを知る。
How to Use AI for Ad Data Analysis?
ワークフローの作成に進むべき事項を特定しました。または、すべてを 1 つのツールで行うことも、さまざまなステップで複数のツールを使用することもできます。
✅ ワンクリックで完全な広告戦略を入手できます。
✅ マルチチャネルファネルレポートを表示します。
✅ 視聴者とチャンネルにとっての新しい機会を特定します。
✅ 潜在的なタスクとその支出をプレビューして予算を設定します。
Examples of AI in Advertising
AI Solution: IBM Watson Advertising Conversations
ルフトハンザは、AI を活用して広告をより「自然」で「共感」させる方法を模索していました。このため、旅行者や冒険者から実用的な洞察を得るために、会話型マーケティングを導入しました。
✔️ 新しい洞察に従って創造的な戦略を作成しました。
✔️ 特定の目的地向けに旅行パーソナリティを作成しました。
✔️ 新しいメディア キャンペーンを実行するためのユーザー間の新しいトレンドを発見しました。
✔️ モバイルでのマーキー統合は、8% の会話率に影響を与えました。
✔️ 視聴者がより多くの時間を費やす (平均 41 秒)。
✔️ 1 つのセッションで 4 つのユーザー主導のインタラクションがありました。
AI Solution: Buzzy
人気メディア会社 バズフィード を使用した AI 生成コンテンツ シナリオで脚光を浴びています。 バジー。この会社は「」を自動化しました無限クイズ” program to show relevant content to a bigger audience. The good thing is that they got to show the best use of AI in collaboration with humans.
✔️ 人間が書いたコンテンツよりもエンゲージメントを高めます。
✔️ 他のテクノロジーへの依存性が低くなります。
✔️ チャットボットを使用して視聴者と直接関わります。
✔️ ソーシャル メディア広告の AI 支援画像を容易にします。
AI Solution: Own artificial intelligence (AI) platform developed by OpenAI and Bain & Company.
コカコーラ, the world’s most-consumed soft drink has been using AI to align human talent and brand identity. We think this global corporation is pioneering the use of AI in the advertising arena. They are bringing realistic approaches to fan engagements with AI assistance.
✔️ ブランド アイデンティティと共鳴するビジュアル アセットを生成します。
✔️ Involving consumers in creative campaigns with AI.
✔️ AI を利用して高品質のビデオ コンテンツを生成します。
✔️ Utilizing AI to design billboards.
✔️ Integrates AI into its music platform.
Marketer’s Common Mistakes in Using AI
AI tools are powerful enough to get you started in just a few clicks. But, the downside of this advantage is that advertisers are opening an AI application without any groundwork. Because of this, AI sometimes correctly answers the wrong question.
ここでは、マーケティング担当者が AI を使用してキャンペーンを実行する際に犯す間違いをいくつか紹介します。
データに大きく依存する. AI gives you a lot of data to make your advertising strategy. But, if the data don’t align with your campaign goal. You may not get the expected results. To avoid this, you need to have an idea before kickstarting. So that you can have a set background while generating all creative content and analyzing data.
人間の贅沢を過小評価する. This mistake is often made by ad companies. They abruptly exclude human efforts and try to do all things with AI tools. However, it’s a misunderstanding. Because AI still needs a human hand to produce the best output. The correct prompt can only be understood by a person who has expertise in that matter.
事実確認と校正の無視. After finally producing the output, users tend not to recheck the results by AI. However, there could be complexity or error in the system in the artificial intelligence algorithm which leads to inaccurate facts. So, you must check the output before implementing the results for your needs.
倫理的配慮なし. Large AI databases have opportunities to violate audience privacy. It can raise legal complications while you target audiences. For example, your ads campaign can blocked in a certain region. So don’t just randomly enable ad campaigns but also recheck other necessary ethical and privacy considerations.
So, we looked at how the implementation of AI can bring improvements in targeting, personalization, creativity, budget allocation, and more. This result has forced companies to redefine their advertising strategies.
Now, you will find various AI tools to help your ad campaigns. You can try different tools to get the suitable one. For example, we find GetGenie to be the right solution for our creative assistants like ad copies or video scripts.