Genie SEO lets you easily track and monitor Lost Keywords. These are keywords for which your website shows up beyond the 100th position on the SERPs.
Using Genie SEO’s Lost Keywords feature, you can improve your SERP ranking by optimizing your pages for the lost keywords. And gain more traffic to your website.
Below, you’ll learn the process of finding lost keywords using Genie SEO.
How to Find Lost Keywords with Genie SEO #
- First, go to WP Dashboard, then select GetGenie and then opt for SEO Insights
2. Once at the Overview page, navigate to Keywords and from the dropdown, select Lost Keywords Data.
3. At the Lost Keywords Data page, you can set a date range (period) to track and manage keywords. Here, we selected the last 30 days vs the previous 30 days of the period before the last 30 days. Then, press “Go” to retrieve the data.
4. On the top half, you will see the Lost keyword data summaries for the Total keywords lost, previous & current impressions, previous & current clicks, and percentage changes. Because this sample website does not have any lost keywords, the dashboard is showing “Great Job! You have no lost keywords.”
5. As you scroll down, a list of all the lost keywords in the top pages with their positions, clicks, and impressions with their corresponding differences will show up. If you have lost keywords for your website, the entries will appear.
You can also search for entries via the search bar. If there are lost keywords against top pages.