Genie SEO provides you with exclusive analytics on your top pages and keywords based on their origin, such as Country and Device type.
With this information, you can easily plan your SEO game and rank higher than your competitors.
Let’s find out how to find the top countries and devices for your ranked pages and keywords using Genie SEO Insights.
Please Note #
This feature comes with GetGenie Starter, Writer, Pro, and Agency Plans.
Top Pages and Keywords By Country #
Assuming you have already installed and activated GetGenie core and Genie SEO plugins. Also, you have an active license.
Now, navigate to your WordPress Dashboard → Get Genie → Genie SEO Insights → Country/Device.
On this page, you can select the date ranges for which you want to get the country data. There are options to select date ranges, including –
- 7 dagar
- 30 days
- 90 days
- 6 months
- Last month
- and Custom.
You can also compare these with –
- Previous period
- Previous year
- and Custom.
After selecting the dates and compare period, hit the Go button.
You will get a list of your top pages and the keywords they are ranked for based on Country. The top pages will be grouped in the same country. You can expand the list by clicking the ‘+’ icon.
The dashboard shows Clicks, Position, and impressions along with the differences from the selected period.
Top Pages and Keywords By Device #
To view the device data for your pages and keywords, simply click on the ‘Filter’ button on your dashboard and select Device.
It shows your Top Pages and Keywords with their Clicks, Position, and Impression for the selected date range. It also shows the differences with the selected compare period.
You can also download the list of pages and the keywords they are ranked for, along with relevant information as XLSX and CSV. You can also copy them in the clipboard and paste them anywhere you want.
Genie Seo Insights also lets you search for specific pages. You can use the search box beside the Filter button for that reason.